Recipe: Grilled Peppadews with Smoked Mozzarella

Stuffed Peppadew DC-1

Haven't jumped on the Peppadew bandwagon yet? Well it's time to hop on board! The fabulous Amelia Saltsman introduced me to the zippy peppers a few years back, and this preparation continues to be one of my favorite summer snacks. With only two ingredients, how could it not be?!

Check 'em out at The Kitchn: Grilled Peppadews with Smoked Mozzarella

Recipe: Chicken Meatball Sliders (via The Kitchn)

Chicken Meatballs Sliders-1

There's been some crazy recipe testing going on in my kitchen these days—so many projects, not enough time! Unfortunately poor Walter hasn't had a "proper" meal in weeks and I've had to start wearing elastic. Needing some solace in the form of dinner, I whipped up these chicken "meatball Parmesan" sliders in the name comfort, and oh boy what a comfort they were. Good thing the recipe makes a lot... Walt's gonna need 'em!